Friday, October 29, 2010

Sushi Cake

This cake was Vicky's dream cake! and she did a great job!!

Soy sauce bowl
Bowl- gum paste
Soy sauce- Melted Hershey Bar

orange and white Tootsie rolls on butter cream and coconut

Sushi Roll
Mounds with orange, green, and yellow Tootsie rolls

Yellow Tootsie roll, fondant band, on butter cream and coconut

small chocolate wrapped with fondant and topped with coconut
Even though this cake took way longer than expected. It still came out beautiful!
Vicky and Grace

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Cupcakes

Quick and Easy


mmm... mmm... buttercream
Happy Halloween! Love ,

Monday, October 25, 2010

Krystal's Jungle Baby Shower Cake

Another Cake by Vicky and Grace

The Cake

The Shower Theme

The Gum Paste Animal's

This Cake took way to much effort for me to even have time to blog about it, so here are the pictures. Enjoy!
Love, V&G
P.S. Sushi Cake coming soon!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Beatles Cake: Yellow submarine

This cake took Vicky and I 12 hours to decorate! So so so much work!

We used different color fondant to decorate and gum paste to make the submarine and the Beatles cartoon pictures.

Thank you Vicky for sticking with me till the end!!