Saturday, December 18, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tattoo Gun Cake
Buttercream sheet cake, the gun is fondant, with fondant ball border.
Have a nice day and get a tattoo!
GEICO Pig Cake
Love, G&V
Friday, November 19, 2010
Mickey Mouse Cake
Buttercream.... so hard to smooth out!!!
All buttercream cake, ears and hands made out of gum paste, and face and buttons were made with fondant.
Love, a sleepy Grace & Victroia
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tattoo Cake
The Cake
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sushi Cake
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Krystal's Jungle Baby Shower Cake

This Cake took way to much effort for me to even have time to blog about it, so here are the pictures. Enjoy!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Beatles Cake: Yellow submarine
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Chinese Takeout Cupcakes
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Macaron test run
The first were pipped on to parchment paper
These were pipped onto a silicon mat
Fresh out of the oven!
I baked the Macaron's on different surfaces (silicon mat and parchment paper) to see which one would give the best end result. The Macaron on the left side of the picture were baked on a silicon mat, they held a good shape and had a gooey center. The Macaron on the right was baked on parchment paper, most of these (not all) became hollow and lopsided.
The texture around the sides of the macaron should be smooth in appearance, and not have an overflowing rough appearance like the macaron above.
Well all Macaron recipes are tricky, but they didn't come out so bad for my first attempt. I will try again to see if I can prefect it!
Love, Mommy & Rhi
Monday, September 13, 2010
Princess and the frog Cakes
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Judith's Cake
How it was built:
We baked rectangular cakes, Iced them and then covered them with black and purple fondant to make them look like stacked books, and used a large tip with grooves on it that was piped along the three sides to look like pages.
Then we baked 2 12 inch round cakes, 2 10inch round cakes and 2 8 inch round cakes for the three tiers. the top of each tier was carved at a slant for the Topsy Turvy look. The 12 inch was covered in purple, the 10 inch in white and the 8 inch in black.
The problem:
With the third tier was that 'someone' didn't like how I carved it so they decided to "fix it". They ended up over carving it and having to put mushed up cake back to replace it which made the cake soft and unstable which is probably why it clasped's in the car. Maybe I should have said something instead of holding my tongue when that 'someone' was placing back the mushed cake.
This cake was made with Buttercream icing. Black, white and purple fondant. Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, and spice cake.
A really annoyed sister <3
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Cross Cupcakes
I made the chocolate crosses a few days before with vanilla melting candy wafers in light and dark blue I pipped the design in to small cross molds and let them sit in the fridge for a minute. After that then I used melting chocolates, milk chocolate and white chocolate. I melted the chocolate and poured it into the same small cross molds and let them sit in the fridge for 5 minutes. Then ta da! They are chocolate cake, with white butter cream icing, baked in foil baking cups.
I should have taken a picture before people started taking them off the tray. But thank you Vicky for letting me use your camera